January 27, 2022



Sun in Aquarius,  moon in Libra (air,air)

It is easy to forget how connected we are to each other, and the entire mysterious and marvelous universe.

In the yoga tradition, there is a teaching about the third dust coverings of the heart. These are ways in which our vision gets cloudy, and we make mistakes on our limiting thoughts and beliefs for actual truth. When this happens, we can easily fall into suffering, and a sense of deep loneliness.

The dust on a heart can cause you to believe that you must do everything on your own, and that there is no support. But, actually, the truth is that you never do anything alone. We live in a collaborative and co-creative universe. You are always in relationship with everything else, even when it doesn't feel that way. There are invisible forces at work and at play, and there are infinite number of relationships that you are connected to at all times. So how do you want to co-create with life today? What will you bring to the table? What does life want from you?

Let's go create together!

And remember you are mystical AF!

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