January 27, 2022


Get Weird(er)

Welcome to Witchy Wednesday oh, let's get weird(er)

Well welcome to the Aquarius season, Mystic! Aquarius is a rule-breaker, Rebel, and radically honest final air sign of the zodiac.

Let's get witchy with weirdness today!

Journal on these questions to discover where in your life you can release your grip and allow some silliness in:

Where in my life am I afraid to be fully me?

Who makes me feel like I can't totally be myself?

What will I gain by being a hundred percent me?

The more honest you are with yourself, the more parts of your power you gain access to. It's a radical act to be a hundred percent yourself in a world filled with comparisons, filters, and judgments.

You are WORTHY of being weird and basking in your own glow.

Do something today that get you out of your comfort zone, or advocate for something that you believe in. This season is all about unapologetically YOU!

And remember you are mystical AF!

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