January 27, 2022


Ground and heal

Sun in Aquarius,  moon in Virgo (air, Earth)

With the sun now two days in Aquarius and the moon still resting in Virgo, we are finally feeling grounded. Supported and aligned or higher mind and our ability to connect with the Unseen realm of energy we can heal our bodies and our minds.

Now that you are grounded to the Earth and her energy it becomes easier to release/heal and recover from mental or physical alignment.

Test your grounding energy to discover you inner power. Slap your hands together and call for the power of Thor. Spread your fingers wide apart and rub your hands together quickly in a circular motion, building heat through the movement and the friction. Pull your hands apart about an inch and feel the buzzing energy between them. Take your hands a little further apart and again, feeling the energy flowing between them. This energy if you're grounded, can be the healing and Recovery that you're looking for. If you don't feel this energy, you're just not grounded enough.

Suggestion: Place one hand over your stomach, the other over your heart and feel your body breathing. Cure yourself with your grounded energy from your anxieties your depressions, your physical ailments by focusing your energy to that location.

Remember you are mystical AF!

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