January 27, 2022


Rules of the Game

Sun in Aquarius,  mooin Scorpio (air, water)

The alignment of the Sun and the Moon today Empower you to write down your own rules and live by them, free from default world to co-create a really good life one you absolutely love.

Do you believe you are capable of deserving of an extraordinary life? Or do you believe you deserve a mediocre life? Maybe you oscillate between both? Be honest with yourself. Journal your thoughts and feelings as well as your physical Sensations that rise when you consider these questions.

Our beliefs inform the rules by which we play the game of Life. What are the rules that you have accepted from the outside by default? What are the rules that you create from an empowered place where you fully believe you are extraordinary and you can manifest a magical? Write these down, so you can return to them and live by then. Share your rules with us to inspire and ignite the trajectory of Abundant Blessings in all ways.

And remember you are mystical AF! Find a picture of it

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