January 27, 2022



The Aquarius Sun asked us to step into full Integrity in our dance with life. The moon in Virgo Keeps Us grounded, practical and in a right relationship with our surroundings. By now you have done a good job or Leasing all you needed during the full moon cycle. Aquarius energy is being used to start fresh today and wipe the comic slate clean by practicing the Ho' oponopono mantra, an anchient Hawaiian mantra for healing.

Find a comfortable position to sit in, use a pillow under your hips so that you can relax your legs and sink into the Earth.

Sit up straight with a tall spine and take a few deep grounding breast.

Release any tension from your jaw, neck, shoulders or face.

Slow repeat aloud to yourself, 'im sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you,'

Repeat enough times to let the word soak into all the layers of your being an experience. Directors prayer to the people close to you, to your community, to your ancestors, to the more than human world and most importantly, to yourself. Feel this closing vibration on the individual and Collective levels. If you know somebody who just hasn't treated you right oh, forgive them to.

If you actually do this practice you will see results.

And remember you are mystical AF!

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