January 27, 2022


Shake out the stuck.

Sun in Capricorn,  moon in Virgo (Earth, Earth.)

With both the Sun and the Moon in Earth signs today, you should feel familiar pull towards your inner ground of your being. The Earth element brings a stable, steady, grounded energy. The shadow side of the building is rigidly or stuckness.

If somebody is becoming too comfortable, too familiar, or to stable, the energy can get stuck. Just going to happen with personal habits, and relationships with others, or in other areas of Our Lives.

There is a place in your life where you feel stagnant? What can you do to shake things up a little?

If it is a situation that feel stuck, try looking at it as if you were an animal observing it. How does it look different to you? If it is a personal habit, instead of trying to quit or change it, try something different today. Or, does your relationship feels stuck? Is there something that needs to be spoken that you have been avoiding?

Try one or two of these; try wearing a piece of clothing that's been hiding in the back of your closet. Have a dance party in the middle of the day. Call a friend who you haven't spoke to in a while. All of these things will help you look at things in a new way, and that will definitely get things moving again!

And remember, you are mystical AF!

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Blessed be, seeker of wisdom and magic.