January 27, 2022


The liminal space

Sun is in Aquarius, moon in Libra (air, air)

The element of space is what holds everything in the universe. There is more space than there is solid in everything. For example, in the atom element it is 95% space. And, yet it is easy to let ourselves get bogged down with the sense of heaviness sometimes. Today you are invited to a space between things, the in between thoughts, the in between breath

It is in the liminal spaces, between the past and the future where everything is happening. This is where the magic is, and this is where you'll find your essential wisdom.

But still a little exercise to bring awareness to the liminal space.

Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the breath. Become aware of the breath, and then become aware of the space in between each breath. There's a pause at the end, and before the beginning of each inhale and exhale. Then, open your eyes and continue to breathe. Now soften your eyes and look around the room. Can you see the space in between the objects? Can you sense the vastness, the possibilities, and a love that is living in the space that Embraces everything in the universe? Continue through your day with this awareness of the space in between, and feel how you become more spacious in your own being

And remember, you are mystical AF!

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